Tag Archives: stoke st michael

A short 30 miles before breakfast

After my epic training trip the weekend before last, I have been a little lax with the training. The problem is I know I am fit enough to attempt the JOGLE now, so its just a case of trying to keep that up. Yesterday I was planning to go for a ride but by the time it gets to 9pm you really just want to spend some time with your long-suffering-wife rather than head out into the darkness. So I resolved to head out early this morning. Now, normally those intentions disappear into the folds of a warm duvet, but on this occasion I was up and out of bed by 6.30, getting the bike ready. I loaded a route onto the iPhone and set off. Turned out to be a good fast average of 17+ mph, which is good going for a ride of this length. Oh and here is a little shout of support to a friend who is training for a half marathon: go Shelley!

30miles before breakfast

Another short sprint – 24 miles

The trouble right now is simply having the time to train. I have a big deadline on at work which takes up all my working day and more and then anything left over is being used for the business which has some interesting developments going on. Fitting in training right now is very tricky, but its very important to do, so I keep making sure I ride, even if they are short rides. In fact I have come to realise that short rides at speed are probably just as useful as long rides at endurance pace. I think the two work well together as one builds strength and one builds stamina. The most important thing is not to damage your body when you train at speed, and after chatting to another JOGLEr I have been stretching a LOT more before and after rides and also doing some kettle bell swings to try and build up the muscle around my knees.

So, today was another fast sprint, albeit with the wind in my face from Nunney onwards! Still, a fast average and a very fast descent just before Shepton (around 50mph!).

On another note, I’ve noticed that donations are starting to be made which is great for the motivation, so many thanks for those (you know who you are, Tasker ;-))!

Here was the route:

Another short sprint