Tag Archives: evercreech

Another short sprint – 24 miles

The trouble right now is simply having the time to train. I have a big deadline on at work which takes up all my working day and more and then anything left over is being used for the business which has some interesting developments going on. Fitting in training right now is very tricky, but its very important to do, so I keep making sure I ride, even if they are short rides. In fact I have come to realise that short rides at speed are probably just as useful as long rides at endurance pace. I think the two work well together as one builds strength and one builds stamina. The most important thing is not to damage your body when you train at speed, and after chatting to another JOGLEr I have been stretching a LOT more before and after rides and also doing some kettle bell swings to try and build up the muscle around my knees.

So, today was another fast sprint, albeit with the wind in my face from Nunney onwards! Still, a fast average and a very fast descent just before Shepton (around 50mph!).

On another note, I’ve noticed that donations are starting to be made which is great for the motivation, so many thanks for those (you know who you are, Tasker ;-))!

Here was the route:

Another short sprint

Loop down to Bruton and up to Kilmerston

Shame to again only have time for a 30 ish mile ride, but I guess its better than nothing. The road to Bruton was fast and the road up out of Bruton in the Frome direction was amazing – I’m sure the wind was with me the whole way! I couldnt help myself sneaking a Wispa bar at the petrol station, and a few ‘fastics a bit later on. Overall a fair bit of mild up and down, and a good little ride. Top speed was ehm, a little fast! Here it is:

Bruton to Kilmerston loop