A short 30 miles before breakfast

After my epic training trip the weekend before last, I have been a little lax with the training. The problem is I know I am fit enough to attempt the JOGLE now, so its just a case of trying to keep that up. Yesterday I was planning to go for a ride but by the time it gets to 9pm you really just want to spend some time with your long-suffering-wife rather than head out into the darkness. So I resolved to head out early this morning. Now, normally those intentions disappear into the folds of a warm duvet, but on this occasion I was up and out of bed by 6.30, getting the bike ready. I loaded a route onto the iPhone and set off. Turned out to be a good fast average of 17+ mph, which is good going for a ride of this length. Oh and here is a little shout of support to a friend who is training for a half marathon: go Shelley!

30miles before breakfast

4 thoughts on “A short 30 miles before breakfast

  1. Shelley

    Thank you for the support my friend. It is well needed as my three children, three business ventures, cat and occasionally even my husband (with the lure of a culinary delight and a glass of merlot)are doing their very best to sabotage my training schedule! Very good luck with yours, sounds like you are right on the money. Speaking of which I suppose I’ll have to sponsor you. Did you sponsor me when I ran the Bath Half for Bottletop……I’m not sure you did????

  2. ReubiMax Post author

    Hola! Ignore their attempts, you must succeed in your training and show that you are on the path to being as mad as me!! I don’t recall your Bottletop half but I do recall a certain charity ball we attended for the same cause – you may (or may not) remember the after-show party at your house! I think a visit from a man in lycra is worth a few quid, surely…?

  3. Shelley

    I’ve always been on that path, but don’t forget I’ve got a decade (and a bit) on you and am becoming more susceptible to falling prey to the every day trial and tribulations of life. That and I’m just a bit knackered! Excuses, excuses I know. I will do my best. However my dad and his partner have also just arrived from Canada for 2 weeks just to throw another spanner in the works.Yes ok..you did come to the ball. You win.

  4. ReubiMax Post author

    You said it yourself – excuses! 😉 Actually, I would have perfectly accepted those reasons had bingo Tony not joined our mountain biking club recently. This guy is 60 years old. Yes, 60. Thats TWICE my age, yet he is one of the front riders every thursday night, all weathers. Bingo Tony changed my perception on age completely, and you are positively youthful in comparison! Have a good time with your dad!

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