Please sponsor me!

I would be delighted if you would sponsorme by going to Virgin Money Giving where I have a mini page that lets you donate and see how much sponsorship I have risen for Somerset Sight so far!.

Ok so, (here comes the big sell) I realise people don’t have too much spare cash lying around these days, so giving money to charity probably isn’t at the top of everyones agenda. Therefore, I have decided to propose fifteen additional reasons to donate, other than simply to support the amazing work done by Somerset Sight. If you get past point 14 and haven’t given any money yet then at least give me a pound for linking to a picture of some fluffy kittens:

  1. Because you know you really want to see me in my tiny new lycra shorts.
  2. You probably have a fiver tucked down the back of your sofa that you wouldnt even miss!
  3. If you donate then I’ll have even less reason to wimp out and will have complete the challenge, no matter what.
  4. If you are having a bad day, giving some money to charity will make you feel better!
  5. Donate to show your appreciation for being able to see pictures of a cute baby hedgehog.
  6. This trip will give Tasha some well deserved time off work.
  7. Donate because it will force me to cycle slowly for once!
  8. If you give money then you can feel like you have taken part from the comfort of your chair.
  9. Donate to thank me for showing you the funniest stand-up routine of all time.
  10. Give money so I can consume the UK’s entire supply of fish and chips.
  11. Donate to Somerset Sight because you can soon wave goodbye to all your money in government taxes anyway!
  12. If you have never given to charity before, then just try it, whats the worst that could happen?
  13. Use the vouchers here to save money and sponsor me with some of the cash you saved!
  14. Sponsor me to thank me for pointing you to this amazingly cheap website you never knew existed!
  15. Sponsor me or the kitten gets it!

And how do you donate? Easy! Just click the red Virgin Money Giving link on the right.

You can click here for a poster of the JOGLE to help raise awareness!
And click here for a sponsorship form if you want to collect cash from people and register their gift aid status.

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