The aliens have landed.

Thursday has come to mean a long ride, and a long ride it was – 72 miles in fact. Highlights were the fantastic houses around Compton Pouncefoot and South Cadbury and a bright green dot that followed me along the road in Street. I was a bit perplexed at first until I realised it must be a kid playing with a laser pointer from his room. Had to admire his commitment as it followed me for a good few 100 meters! Another strange moment was a guy pulling alongside me, winding his window down and saying “That’s a bloody bright light you have there son” then driving off. And quite right he was! Reached the pub to meet the Shipham MTB guys and had a quick drink then headed back. The cycle across the top (Mendip Motorway) was a little knackering – I think not only was it a long ride but I also should have got more fuel in me earlier on, as I was running low by the end of it. Here is the route:

A long one

2 thoughts on “The aliens have landed.

  1. Ian Tasker

    Nice to see you doing a proper ride for a change, I was getting worried that you were going to try and sprint the 1000 miles which wouldn’t have been a good idea!!! Although the thought of you trying to do a 1000 miles an a series of 20 odd mile training spints would have been worth the sponsorship alone!!!

    72 miles eh…how do you feel today? Could you do it again today? and then tomorrow and the day after etc, etc?

  2. ReubiMax Post author

    It was a good long ride, thats for sure. Shame that the Everytrail map thing includes the pub stop in the average calculation! It was actually a 15.4 mph average, which I’m pretty happy with. I should have forced myself to take some food onboard after 20 miles or so, as I think that let me down later. Felt a bit knackered the next day, but could have done it again for sure. When I do the JOGLE each day will be split into two, so I reckon if I can do 70+ miles in one then doing two lots of 45 in a day with a few hours break should be fine. In any case, I’ll find out next weekend, which is the big training ride: I’ll be cycling 90 miles to oxford, staying the night and cycling back the next day. If I can do 180 miles over two days and still feel ok on Monday then I’m happy!

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