The burn

I didn’t get a chance to ride at the weekend or last Friday so I knew I really needed to get out today. Unfortunately, what with tapeout deadlines at Uni and other attempts to take over the world, I began to think it would be another day tied to the desk but then Tasker’s email came commenting on the lack of training to the tune of  “You’ll get fat if your not careful you lazy …” and suddenly my priorities got rearranged 🙂 I finally got out at about 9.20pm for a super fast hour’s ride averaging over 18mph even with reasonable elevation, one closed road (just road through it) poor surfaces and three wrong turnings. I do think that its good to train in a variety of ways – both long endurance rides and short sprints. The reasoning (that I have entirely made up and is probably completely wrong) could be that the sprints strengthen your muscles, and develop the tolerance of your tendons and tissues to strain, then the endurance rides concentrate on your stamina. When I actually do the JOGLE I won’t be getting anywhere near the strains I have put on my joints and tendons and stuff during the sprint training rides, so the thought is that they should survive better than if I had just done easy but long training rides all the time…? Who knows. Well I will I guess, in four weeks time! Arggggg!! Really should sort out the route and accommodation and posters and publicity!! Here is the route:

The burn