New gloves, lycra (!) and saddle! Turns out the saddle is pretty good, although it will take a while for my behind to get used to the change! The gloves are the same – fingerless is good but they need to give a little, which they will over time. The shorts are great, although I feel like an idiot… And here was the short and fast route for today – I decided to go down to the lake this time – the hill from the lake up to Blagdon then up two trees to the top is a proper benchmark hill and it was good to be able to ride it out of the saddle for most of the way – check the elevation plot!
Tag Archives: saddle
Some new kit
I am, worryingly, transforming more and more into a roadie! The latest purchases have been some road gloves, some Pearl Lzumi elite bib shorts (hmm, lycra) and a new Bontrager Inform saddle. Whether the saddle will be comfortable only time will tell, but I was properly measured for it and it has a comfort guarantee, so if it still cuts off vital nerves then its back to the shop with it. Here is what they all look like: