Tag Archives: recovery powder

For the next two months I’ll be mostly consuming Sci-Mix and Tangfastics!

Lee gave me a tub of Sci-Mix Recovery powder for my birthday (we call it ‘cheating powder’ at the club) which I thought I may as well give a try. I’m not really into these supplement powders but I was finding myself a little knackered the day after training, and amazingly it really helped that problem. If you take it the moment you come back then you definitely feel less knackered the next day, as it supplies your body with the stuff if needs right then, rather than your body taking that from your own tissues.


So I ran out. I figured I would get some more, and since the tub i got last time was only half full I went for twice the weight (assuming they would completely fill it this time). Wrong. It just came in an even bigger tub, and we are talking HUGE. So, I apologise in advance to my wife for when she comes back from work and sees that I have taken over even MORE of the house with my bike bits and pieces.

But yes, my strategy for training rides is simple: Tangfastics half way around and some of the magic powder when you get back. Sorted. By the way, it just dawned on me that readers who dont know better might think I am referring to an illicit substance when I say ‘magic’ powder. Its not that exciting I’m afraid, and boringly available over the counter as its just a mix of protein and carbs and vitamins and stuff.